Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My new nightmare.

After reading my post about the disturbing increase in flies this summer, my friend Tracy sent me this lovely picture . . .

I DON'T think they're paying her a compliment. Well, I take that back - a fly's perspective is quite different from ours. Those guys are probably enamored with her and her . . . ummmmmm . . . eau de TOILET.

So now I'm going to live in fear of butt-sniffing flies. For the rest of my life.

This is how people get OCD, isn't it?


christi said...

Almost no words for this except OH EM GEE!!!! That is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen!!!!!!

Gwendolyn said...

I just snorted coffee out of my nose!! Thanks for the laugh!! You are too funny :)

Phyllis Eddings said...

Not sure I can forgive you for putting that image in my brain.

Dan Savoie said...

Isn't that the infamous "poot fly" from the 70's?