Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Critic's Chair

I'm going to San Diego today so I SHOULD be packing and cleaning my room and just generally getting ready for my trip so, understandably, I've spent the evening searching for a new October blog background and editing my "About Me" section. Makes sense, right? Let me know what you think!

So today I went to Conroe for a deposition of a doctor in one of my cases. After we finished at the deposition, we decided to go grab lunch together at this place called Pie in the Sky Pie Company. We go there quite a bit when we're in Conroe. And, besides some fairly frequent spelling mistakes . . .

. . . and an occasional punctuation issue . . .

. . . it's a pretty good place to eat. Plus, they have sweet potato fries so that pretty much makes up for the spelling and punctuation. Well, not really. But it doesn't hurt.

So today I had to use the . . . ummmm . . . facilities and noticed something interesting when I was back there. I call it the Critic's Chair:

What the heck is it doing right in front of the toilet? What possible purpose can it serve? Even if you brought your kids into the bathroom with you, do you really want them right there watching you do your business?

Here's the view from the toilet . . .

Seriously? If someone were sitting there, how could you concentrate? Would they be judging you? It seems like the kind of chair a very judgmental person would sit in, doesn't it? Like with a notepad, bifocals on the nose, and a disapproving look. And I think I would be so uncomfortable that I would just start talking. Like nonstop. And I would no doubt feel compelled to make confessions like "I haven't been eating enough fiber lately." or "Well, that's the last time I'm gonna eat Mexican food. I can guarantee that!" Things of this nature. Frankly, the whole thing gave me indigestion and I couldn't even order a piece of "Pumkin" pie.

And that's just a travesty.


Anonymous said... there are no little kids to blame for the potty humor... (except, perhaps, the imaginary ones on the judgment seats)

Emma said...

LOVE the new wrappings! The whole new layout, too! Funny stuff....very blog-worthy! Are we gonna have to do without while you are on vacation?? Have fun!

Unknown said...

I agree with the assessment, but they also look just like the chairs that were in my high school auditorium, so they could be audience chairs. I don't know what kind of sick and twisted person came up with this idea, but I'm glad you documented it!

Anonymous said...

cute cute cute lil bows!! I just love em! Maybe the chair is for propping your feet up? You know, relax a little while you do your thing. ummm...or maybe if you need to throw up, then you would have a place to sit? I have to come up with some solutions because the idea of TWO people staring me down makes my pits sweaty!

Phyllis Eddings said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new layout!It is lovely. Pie in the Sky is a great place...just wish they were open for dinner, since I'm rarely in Conroe for lunch. I also love sweet potato fries, but usually get them at Cafe Express.

Anonymous said...

Erin, I take it from your post that one person staring is hunky-dory, but TWO? no, no.. that's where you draw the line!