Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Budget cuts hit home.

As you all know, Texas has been having some MAJOR budget issues as of late. Naturally, the State has had to make some budget cuts to alleviate the situation. Up until now, I've been lucky because I haven't seen too many effects of such cutbacks. But I know it's coming. And, in fact, today I was driving down the main street in my hometown and I noticed one of the first casualties of the budget crisis: apparently the road-sign proofreader has been laid off . . .

As Texans we just cannot stand for this. We must rally together to help her get her job back. And not just because we need our signs spell-checked. Not even because signs like this will make me cause 10 car pile-ups. No, friends - we need to do this because it's the rigth thing to do . . .


Emma said...

Cracking up!!

Anonymous said...

Your, no your're, no you're the next Erma Bombeck. Write a book!

Ann W said...

If we don't set the rigth example, Texas children will be letf behind.

Phyllis Eddings said...

Where's the petition? Let me sign!