Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I got nothin' . . .

Man - you would not BELIEVE how busy I've been lately with work!! It's been cuh-razy. It seems like every night lately I've had something that I've had to work on so I haven't been able to sit down and spend a little quality time with Y'ALL. But, finally, I can sit down and blog to my heart's content. So tonight I think I'll write about . . . ummmmm . . . well, I guess I could write about . . . hmmmmmm . . . I could always talk about . . . uuuuuuuh . . . well, crap.

Apparently, a busy work schedule zaps all the creativity out of my head. Which, incidentally, is not a good situation for a lawyer who likes to blog on the side. So I've been sitting here at my computer, staring at the screen and hoping that an idea will come to me. I also spent a significant amount of time pestering my roommate for ideas but she had about as many ideas I did. I was desperate for SOMETHING.

At around midnight I finally decided to search the internet for ideas of things to blog about. So I started my search in what I think was the most logical way - I googled "blog ideas." Lots of websites popped up purporting to have 100 great blog ideas or ideas to take your blog to the next level, etc. I clicked on a few, excited to see what great ideas they might have for me for my blog post tonight. But I have to say that they were decidedly unhelpful.

Here are some of my favorites:

"Write a series of posts." Okay - right away I see that you don't really understand my problem. How can I write a SERIES of posts if I don't even have an idea of just ONE post? Next suggestion, please . . .

"Write a funny post." Seriously? Are you mocking me?

"Make a post for advanced readers." Does blogging about Swiss Cake Rolls and my yard guy count as "advanced?"

"Browse through a thesaurus and see if any synonyms spark ideas for posts." Wow. This is a new low. I mean, I'm a word nerd but I'm not THAT much of a word nerd . . .

"Write a tutorial." This seemed like a promising idea to me at first. But then I realized that I have nothing to tutor anyone about - no skills to teach or information to impart. Well, other than how to stalk your yard guy or how to use a ponytail holder to expand your pants at Thanksgiving dinner or Mexican restaurants. Hey, don't judge - that extra inch comes in handy when you're dealing with pumpkin pie . . .

"Review someone's blog and critique it." Aaaaaaaaaaand then change my blog title to "How to be a big fat JERK . . . "?? That's the worst idea EVER.

"Write about something that is merely 'good' but not 'great.'" Okaaaaaaaay . . . way to shoot for the stars, guys.

But I think my favorite suggestion was this one, along with its explanation:

"Imagine you've written a great article : This might sound a little strange. I sometimes imagine I have written a fantastic article and it’s gone viral, I try and hone in, in my mind's eye, and see what the article was and what everyone is talking about. You’ll be surprised what comes up." No, no - don't be silly. It doesn't sound strange. And I'd love to do it, I really would. Because, honestly, it doesn't sound crazy at ALL. It's just that, you see, well . . . I . . . I . . . I need to read my thesaurus. Yeah - that's it. Soooooooooo . . . you go figure out what all the commotion is with that imaginary article in your mind's eye - don't let me stop you.

Oooooooor impede you . . . Or halt you . . . or obstruct you . . . or hinder you . . .


Anonymous said...

"But I think my favorite suggestion was this one, along with <<>> explanation"

I've got to say, Catherine. I cringed.

Anonymous said...

mmm I don't know what happened with that comment, but I was trying to point out the contraction "it's," which you used as a possessive.

Catherine said...

Well, that's what you get for criticizing me anonymously!! :)

Thanks for pointing that mistake out! I deserved that one! But I fixed it so now everyone will think you made it up . . . :)