Thursday, April 14, 2011

Free and . . . fast??

I was at the Clinique counter at Dillard's the other day buying some powder and mascara. They often have a free gift that you can get when you purchase a certain dollar amount of product from them. It's usually just a cute make-up bag with some free make-up in it but it's a pretty big deal so they usually have signs up letting you know what the next free gift is and when they'll be giving it away. It never fails that I have to buy my make-up the week BEFORE or the week AFTER the free gift week - NEVER fails. And this week was no different. I was standing at the counter, waiting for the lady to ring me up, and I noticed a little note about reserving one of their upcoming free gifts:

I mean, I'm sure the gift is good and all. I'm just not sure it's worth going Mach 8 to get it . . .


Emma said...

Too funny!

thatcaroljones said...

I'm thinking if you DID go Mach 8, you wouldn't need make-up!

Unknown said...

And is that an apostrophe I see in "Woodlands"? Someone was in a real hurry to worry about grammar!