Monday, March 12, 2012

Breakinig News

I was watching the news the other day, following the tornado outbreaks in Alabama, my old law-school stomping ground.  All was normal in my world as I sat on my couch watching a breaking news alert unfold . . .

And then, suddenly and without warning, the breaking news changed to BREAKINIG news . . .

You can imagine my alarm.  I didn't know - and still don't - if "breakinig" news is worse than just plain ol' "breaking" news?  And, if so, was anyone notifying LuAnne and the reporter out there in Alabama so that they could take cover?  Did I need to take cover?  Just as I was about to really start panicking, I realized that it was just a weird, mid-breaking news type-o. 

And that's when my eyeballs started breakinig . . .